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Is Repairing a Cheap CNC Mill Worth It?

Is Repairing a Cheap CNC Mill Worth It?

Brendan...About 8 minTechnologyCNCMillingRepair

About a year ago, I bought this Amazon mill for about 200$ CAD on Kijiji. I had absolutly no idea if it worked, furthermore, the electronics were in pieces so a bit of a gamble for sure. In this post I will explain how I got it in working condition and tell you if this type of used equipment (Amazon/Chinese mill, 3D printers , etc) is worth buying.

What exactly Did I Buy?

Image of this 3040 (possibly vevor) mill I bought used
Image of this 3040 (possibly vevor) mill I bought used

This was a later picture when I started repairing it, but the condition was similar except missing all wiring. The control board was competely disconnected, it didn’t come with a wiring harness or power supply, it was missing a few other odds and ends like a drag chain. One reason I did decide to buy, was the larger spindle with it’s own power supply (included) on this mill. Ultimatly, it seemed like it was in good conidtion but there was no way of telling if for example the steppers were working or if the bearings, rails, bushing, lead screws, gantry, even the base was true and in good condition. I guess I also had no idea about the power supply and even the control board.

So at first I had no idea what mill it actually was and where the control board came from. my best guess is that the mill was this Vevor 3040open in new window, and the control board was basically an Arduino with Tmc222 steppers. I found a similar one on Amazonopen in new window.

Control BoarddriversSteppers

At the time I didn't really know anything about these small mills and software ecosystem like GRBL, UGS, and Mach3, so this was all very new to me (in fact, I hadn't even used CAM at this point which is a little more complex to operate than 3D printer slicer software). Luckily the control board is basically just an Arduino and GRBL is it's firmware which you can update/configure with Arduino Studio, PlatformIO or even just AVRdude as it works excatly like an Arduino and programmable with a usb connection via a built in DUF (easier than say updating Marlin on a 3D printer which loads the firmware from an sdcard).

The steppers are Nema 34s with the larger JST-SM (commonly automotive) connectors.

Looking further into the mill itself everything mechanical looks fine after a cleanup. The upgraded spindle appeared to be this Genmitsu Air-Cooled 300Wopen in new window though it has a bit of a different power supply and didn't come with the pot or spare collets.

Genmitsu Air-Cooled 300W
Genmitsu Air-Cooled 300W

Although the mill came with no wiring, it did come with some shielded wirings and crimped JST PH connectors on the control board which was actually great news for this rebuild because shielding here is a must as the high power spindle will induce a magnetic feild that will destort data lines to the steppers.

Getting it Working

First, I cleaned it off with some blue paper towels and compressed air as the previous owner left it pretty dirty. I then applied teflon lube to the lead screws and cleaned them with a tooth brush to get ride of all the debries (aluminium shavings and wood dust).

I managed to Wire it all together temporally with a power supply I had on hand. I donwload UGS (Universal Gcode Sender) after reading it was much similer than Mach3 and connected my computer running UGS to the mill's control board. To my relief it worked perfectly. The gantery never stalled or got stuck it just need a mechanical tune up and some teflon lube. No new parts required other than some wires, switches, knobs, power supply, and an enclosure.

One last thing i had to do was tighten up the lead screw couplers which should be done before each useage anyway.

Building an Electronics Enclosure

It would nice to have the original Vivor enclosure as it looks like a decent sheet metal build. One down side is it might not have fit the additional power supply . since I didn't have any and the previous owner said he throw it out!? I decided to go with a DIY enclosure. I built it using what I had on hand, which was MDF, and I also bought some cheap acrylic sheets to spruce it up a bit. My review of working with MDF is not great as it seems to be cheap, toxic, annoying to clean up, and contray to popular belief very difficult to machine as it flakes unlike most hard woods or even plywood which can splinter but often cut away nicely.

front of enclosureback of enclosure

I cut out the MDF sheets with a table saw, and used a hand router to carve some grooves for the acrylic sheets. For the acylic sheets I went all out because I had access to a CNC CO2 laser. I cut out a nice pattern for cooling fan and for each connection with engraved labels for convience.

CO2 Laser Cutting Out Acrylic SheetsRouter out spotsbefore painting

On the top of the enclosure, I used the hand router to mill out an area for the potentimoter and The estop switch. The estop is an obvious must for operating a mill, the nice thing about this estop is it has both a NO (normally open) and NC (normally closed) isolated switch. Both switches are rated for 5A at 250V which adds a lot of versitility for both power and data. Looking back a few things changed on my original plan but I decided to make the NC connection the power for spindle (so hitting estop would cut power to the spindle) and the NO is a 5V signal that goes to the control board and pauses the Gcode, which has proved to be a valuable feature easily stopping and resuming pieces. I just used a random pot I had lying around, I 3d printed the knob for it as well (5K Ohms I think, but it really doesn’t matter as I can’t tell the speed anyway).


Then I had the joy of wiring and soldering a wiring harness. I also had to buy assortments of JST-SN conenctors, and some plugins for the mains which included a fuse and a switch. Luckily I had some cable loom, heat shrink, wires, JST-PH connectors, XT-60s, high current wire, and other odds and ends to get this thing working. I also elected to use these nice screw on airplane connectors from the enclosure to the mill for a good secure connection and ease of dissamblly for storage. There's lot I didn't mention like types of wires the xt-90s for spindle (which i decided was a good idea to easily disconect the wiring harnes), and the cooling fan/ buck converter. If your curious here's a image

Enclosure wiring
Enclosure wiring

Setting up a PC

Image of set up
Image of set up

Whatever computer you use for UGS should propbably be only for UGS as you don't want a windows update or mailcious website to inturrupt your milling. One trick I sometime use for these types of projects is an older laptop running a light weight linux distro (Arch linux, or Ubuntu Server work great). That way I can reduce the software down to an absolute minimum basically only running UGS and even increase the priority of UGS with the nice command to run before non essential procesess, effectivly 100% of the cpu is focused on ugs. You don't need to do this by any means you can use an old dedicated windows machine if you're less technically skilled with IT as well, but it should have minimal software espically the type that will intrrupt UGS mid way through a milling process.

Milling A Sign


Milling is danergous with mulitple hazards which can lead to bodily harm. As stated in terms and conitions by reading this blog you agree the information is academic and not technical advise intended to be followed. If you do decide to do some milling. wiring, or anything else on this blog, you do so at your own risk.

Fusion 360
Fusion 360

Finally, I got to dive into CAM software for which I was using fusion 360. I use Fusion 360 because it's genuinly a great piece of software for CAD I just wish it was less webased and would come to Linux. Anyway, it's also a great CAM software complete with a tools library. After a suprisingly easy learning curve I was ready to mill anything I wanted with multiple tool changes. Some things to note:

  • to create the Gcode or NC program as they call it. You need to select the correct target in the build window. In my case it's GRBL (which has is it's own strain of Gcode as all machine firmware does), and export it. Multiple tools will result in multiple programs load after each tool change.
  • In the same window, you also need to set how the machine should move to the zero. This is important ot avoid a crash I usally use clearnace mode and pre clear the machine (that way i avoid a possible z ceiling crash if it auto clears to high).

An important aspect of setting up this type of mill is properly securing the work peice to spoil board. I did get some of the included fastning/cantalever mechanisms, but with inexpensive cedar I think it's better to precisly measure and drill holes into an oversized peice of cedar then fasten it down with bolts and T-Slot nuts directly to the table. Once the piece is done the excess can be cut away and I even hand router a nice fillit on the final edge. In the future when I try machining other materials like brass, wallnut, and aluminum, I will propbaly use a drill press vice or possibly the included fastners.

Once you have exported the GCode program from fusion360 ( you simply load the file into UGS. Before you hit run you need to zero the machine.

You can zero the machine in a few ways and I have a control board that can automate this, but i currently don't have a jig to zero the z axis and limit switches for the x and y so i have to do it manually. Taking extra care, you should look a the visulaizer on the right side window of UGS and move the x and y to the desired location. then lower the z axis down to the work piece and reseting the zero. If you selected clearnance mode in fusion 360 make sure you raise the bit as it assumes there's clearance between the piece and the bit at startup.


It would be very easy to get this part wrong and damage the mill. For instance there is no auto homing on this device (there's no limit swithces like a 3D printer). Clicking the home button may destory the mill if you're not careful. I have had zero crashes and incidents because I went slow and paid attention with my hand on the estop.

Now all that's left is to start the spindle by releasing the estop and turning the knob, then hitting start on UGS.

After expiremnting a bit I got great results with a larger 1/4" flat nose 3 flute upcut bit to mill out the larger areas, then I switched to a simillar 1/8" bit for a little more detailed pass, both adaptive 2D clearing. I used a shop vac or compressed air to help evacuate wood chips as it cut.


In the future I will get more tools, I'm espically excited about a larger cutting tool to deck down material quicker, and a 3D carving tool to add fillets and camfers along with 3D designs on flat surfaces.

Great after some patientce I had a few useful signs for the backyard.

Milling a cedar signSign 1Sign 2

Was it Worth While

I my honest opinion: it wasn't worth it becuase it took a long time to fix with lots of wiring, but I also don't regret it because I learned some things about wiring/soldering and I have wanted a mill since I can remember.

The reason I don't recommend it is multifaccited. For starters, it's has a very small build surface (smaller than it looks) and only really a wood grade mill. I would have rather spent the time milling something for an innovative project rather than doing some basic wiring. Finally, let's be honest my enclosure is not that great; functional, but not a proper sheet metal enclosure. Nonetheless, fixing/modding something is also satisfying and now I have a 1000$ (CAD) mill which I paid less than 500$ plus some of my time.


I'm hoping to post some more pieces soon. I would love to make a 3D sign for the workshop maybe out of a Walnut cuttoff, and I would also like to try building some mechnical stuff like planetary gears and enclosures (including techniques I have only seen used by smart phone manufactures).

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