This post is a work in progress and is currently incomplete. I hope to finish it soon when i have more time to experiment with LLMs.
Update, I'm probably not going to finish this since my graphics card a used 3090 has become unstable and prone to crashes. I don't have another graphics card and cloud platforms as very competitive. I'm going to leave it up even though it's doomed to be incomplete, since it's still not a bad quick intro to the topic if your at the right stage in the learning process. You'll have to learn about quantisiation methods, loaders, fine-tuning, promt engineering else where. Sorry. I would like to try and simplify it and explain it in a way a common person will easily understand and then be able to utlize, but unfortunatly that won't happen soon. As this feild is so overwhelming I never really new what model to select as I only got abou 10-20 to actually work with an interface, so I never really became qualified to right that section of this article. Please, suggest models i nthe comments below, as I may still run some on clouds.